It was a throw it in the box and go kind of move. No time for a garage sale or going through our things. We decided to accept the offer and the next few months were a whirlwind.

A day after the showing we received notification that the 2nd showing put in an offer on our house. It was finally time for the first two showings. We deep cleaned everything and fixed those things that we just kept pushing aside. It was time to sell our beloved townhouse first. So, I had a lot of emotions with selling this house! There was A LOT of crying! But his dreams were not our dreams. And when you live like that it is easy to not actually face your grief. There were a ton of memories here! After he passed, living in the house “he” built made me feel closer to his memory. My husband spend hours with my father in the basement helping him with his projects. I helped my father pick out the counters, the carpets, and the flooring. My uncle and many my fathers friends friends had helped him build this ranch house. For the last few years, my family was living in the house my father had built. We were moving to “My Dream House.” It was a whirlwind! But that did mean that we had to sell the home I grew up in the home that my late father had built. They liked our family and wanted her to specifically reach out to us. A few weeks later our realtor contacted us saying that the family sold a portion of the land and were willing to sell the house at a lower price. We came home and officially pushed the thought of “my dream house” aside it was more than we could afford. In fact, I declared it my “Dream House.” My “dream house.” It was over our budget but we took a look. She told us about this property that she loved which had everything we were looking for. Until we met a realtor who lived in the country and knew our desires. Should we leave this comfortable life to live a life of homesteading? We started looking at other properties (just to see). Although we were not even thinking of moving at the time, we started to mull the idea of moving over. A nice ranch home with 30 acres of great hunting land and apple tree’s. We had it all!Īnd then a friend of ours came to us and told us that he was selling his place. It was this burning desire that sat under the surface because we knew we had a good life.

We wanted more land and the option to raise livestock. We were on our way to paying off our house. The only jobs our kids really had was to help us with the chicken coop, garden, help clean their rooms and to do their school work (which was Kindergarten to first grade work). They had friends they could see on a daily basis and our neighbors would watch over your house if we left. For their entire lives, they lived in a beautiful ranch home on a secluded subdivision. We were leaving behind everything they knew of. It was big for us and it was big for our kids. When we first moved to the farm we heard from so many people! They would say “These are going to be the best memories your kids will ever have!” We nodded along and agreed but truthfully, we had no idea.